Guest Coach Policy
A Guest Coach:
• has permission to bring their own skaters onto Burnaby SC ice
• DOES NOT have access to club members for private lessons
Skate Canada Certified coaches wishing to apply for Guest Coach status should contact the Board of Directors at Please provide the following information:
• Name, address, contact phone#, email address.
• Scanned and emailed copy of current Skate Canada Coach Certification Card to: contact
• Sessions for which access is requested and names of skaters.
• Statement, written or email, that you agree to comply with the House Rules of Burnaby SC Ice, set out below:
House Rules of Burnaby Skating Club Ice:
• Maintenance of current Skate Canada Coach Certification and current first aid certificate.
• Permission is for the current skating season. Skaters must be current Skate Canada members, and have paid club fees for the relevant ice time. Session must not be full.
• Adherence to club session criteria, ice etiquette, and music order, and club policies and procedures.
• Adherence to Coach Code of Ethics. No access to skaters, parents, and coaches of Burnaby Skating Club for recruitment. This will result in withdrawal of privileges and notification to Skate Canada of Code of Ethics breach.